Swarovski® Buttons & Fasteners

Swarovski Buttons and Fasteners can be used in exactly the same way as standard buttons. The assortment of available buttons ranges from buttons for shirts, blouses, jackets and coats, as well as buttons for denim wear and accessories. They are suitable for hand and mechanical application. The assortment includes Crystal Buttons, Buttons with plastic shanks, Jeans- and Decorative Buttons as well as Snap- and Magnet Fasteners in a variety of sizes, colors and effects.

Please visit here for Swarovski Crystal Buttons.

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Miyuki es la marca registrada de MIYUKI Co., Ltd. Preciosa es la marca registrada de PRECIOSA, a.s.. Swarovski, Swarovski Elements, y Crystallized son la marca registrada de of Swarovski AG. Las marcas registradas sólo son usadas en este sitio para identificar los productos hecho por sus fabricantes respectivos. No estamos afiliados con ninguna empresa de los productos se venden en nuestro sitio web.